!? “Themelohet”, në Senatin Amerikan, Kaukusi i Interesave Shqiptaro-Amerikane” ?!

PauliniNga Paulin Palushi

Simbas lajmit te dhene nga fletushka e rrudhur Illyria Newspaper qe vazhdon te paguhet nga ‪‎EkremBardha (kur shkruhet per te), me date 14 Shkurt nen patronazhin e Financierit Richard Lukaj, u krijua ne Washington D.C., “Kaukazi i Interresave Shqiptaro-Amerikane”, me bashkekryetarë Senatorin Demokrat ‪GeryPeters dhe Senatorin Republikan ‪‎MarkKirk, gjate kohes qe Kryeministri Neo-Komunist shqiptar ‪EdiRama ishte per vizite bilaterale ne Shtetet e Bashkuara. Cdo gje mire deri ketu kur behet fjale per interresin e Vatanit ?! Tani le te ndalemi pak tek bashkekryetaret. Asgje emocionale dhe surprize per Senatorin Ultra Majtist nga Michigani Gery Peters, i cili sic eshte shprehur edhe vete ne nje takim ne Qendren Kulturore te Shen Palit: “…sa here qe te gatuani gjera te mira me therrisni se une vij”, e asgje me shume se kaq eshte kontributi i tij ne “qeshtjen shqiptare”, por qe edhe sa here qe vjen (kur vjen?!) nuk e ben rrugen kot…organizatoret e kane “llastuar” duke i kerkuar qe ti shkruaj miljet…! Cudia eshte me Senatorin Republikan nga Illinois Mark Kirk qe ndoshta nga mos informimi apo shtytja nga Peters e ka bere qe te pranoje te beje pjese ne kete Kaukaz qe i vetmi objektiv qe ka eshte qe ti zgjase jeten Rregjimit Komunist e Mafioz te Kryeministrit Edvin Rama. Por nese ai eshte i mireinformuar, atehere duhet te pranojme qe “Chigago Way” ndoshta ka influencuar vendimin e tij. Nuk i di preferencat politike te krijuesit te Bankes Investuese BankStreet‪ ‎Richard Lukaj per politiken amerikane dhe ate shqiptare, por te lobosh per te zgjatur jeten politike Edvin Rames qe e ka tranferuar Shqiperine ne nje Kolumbi te Ballkanit eshte e pa imagjinueshme, vetem nese “Panama Pepers” te Oligarkise Mafioze shqiptare kane “fluturuar” ne ndonje Banke te Connecticut-it… ! E ska si ndodh ndryshe kur citon Kryemistrit shqiptar: “…në atë pjesë të Europës ku shumë mrekulli janë të mundshme”?! Wow…! Gjithashtu Richard Lukaj i referohet Ambasadorit ‪‎DonaldLu qe paska thene ne nje takim te atyre diteve se: “…nuk do të jetë e largët dita kur Shqipëria të adoptojë nismat e reja kundër korrupsionit”?!… Nuk jam i sigurte nese e ka degjuar te reduktuar fjalen e Ambasadorit Lu apo ky i fundit ka harruar qe te flas per luften qe ben Institucioni qe ai drejton kunder Korrupsionit total ne te gjithe shkallet e Administrates Aktuale dhe Legjislativit Shqiptar ?!



Richard Lukaj I have no interest in a lengthy exchange about partisan matters that have no interest for me.

Factually, however, you should know that such a caucus in the Senate has no ties to Albania or its government. It is the Albanian American issues caucus and, as such, we will continue to advocate for the interests of albanian Americans who hope to see a brighter future than the one afforded thusfar by partisan bickering and corruption on all fronts.


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Paul Palushi Thanks for the exchange Mr. Lukaj. If this is the case why you lobed right now during Albanian P.M. bilateral visit to Washington D.C.?! Not before not after! Therefore it’s not my intention to engage you in conversation but this is life or deth for my native country because Edi Rama’s Administration will advertise this Caucus as positive recognize by U.S.

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Richard Lukaj This was done for Albania and Albanians, not for Rama or any other individuals.

And I am offended that you suggest I just began to push for Albanian interests on this particular day. Our efforts as a community began in the times of Konica and dialogues on this caucus have been in the works for years.

It’s also wholly appropriate that the opportunities to have the institutional players of Albania congratulate such efforts in the US to the benefit of Albanians everywhere.

The ignorance of Albanians that don’t know what this is all about is unfortunate if allowed to be misused but can easily be offset in the press with facts and details.

No one that knows anything will believe this activity has anything to do with endorsing any political figures but rather instead the embrace and show of support for Albania.

All of your comments and concerns seem either partisan or personal nature. I am not naive to the realities of crime and corruption throughout the Balkans, but don’t ever assume my unwillingness to denigrate the State or its institutions as complicity with any of the individuals, past or present, that hold those particular seats.

I hope you appreciate my investment to help provide a constructive redirect of your efforts to more constructive critique.

Everyone is entitled to their views, biases and opinions but don’t try to destroy everything in the interest of uninformed and misguided perspectives.

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Elinda Marku Hahaha , Richard Lukaj you still making that mistake believing that Albanians are all naive! No man this have nothing to do with Albanians at all,! In my opinion, I strongly doubt this lobby specially at this time its just trying to cover , or hide, or protect the money that Rama and his team have been stilling from his voters! It’s so clear and so understandable the real reason! Come on! Who the heck convinced you that Albanians are that stupid?!!! Really! We know where Rama is coming from! Answer the question, why now? Why under Rama’s regime?????

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Richard Lukaj Elinda Marku I don’t know you but you seem very disconnected from any real understanding of any facts.

The community has been active since Albania was founded and has accomplished a great deal regardless of which individuals were holding which chairs.

It’s misguided and rude to suggest there is something special about announcing good community achievements under this current regime, just as we have done with every prior administration in Albania and beyond, as anything unusual.

By contrast, you would be suggesting that we freeze progress until someone is in office that you prefer….

Like · Reply · 59 mins · Edited

Elinda Marku Rama’s name is showed at panama’ paradise! Discovering the truth it might be called a crime from this lobby that you just found yourself into! Telling the truth it’s kind of rude! I got that!

Like · Reply · 56 mins

Richard Lukaj That’s presumptive to say the least. I have no involvement with Rama or any other political figure anywhere

Nor do I lobby for any personal or business interests of any of them.

I presumed you knew that

Your concerns of corruption/criminality is fair and justified, but they are matters for a justice system, not to take my time

Like · Reply · 40 mins · Edited

Elinda Marku Good luck with that !!

Like · Reply · 45 mins

Richard Lukaj Elinda Marku I do have have faith that laws will come, even with international pressure, to force the establishment of a proper penal and justice system, so we don’t have to debate criminal activity or corruption in Facebook, which doesn’t affect anyone that has been a criminal for two decades since the fall of communism

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Elinda Marku Rexhep Luka ( para se Ta kthejme shqip)

Richard, I was wondering as to what was your reaction when Mr Prime Minister did not recognize the contribution of Albanian-Americans as you are acknowledging here? Your rightly say is a 100+years of contribution to the Albanian cause by the noble Albanian diaspora, especially that of the early days and during times of communist regime…..but remember??,,,, two nights ago at the US Capitol he only recognized and thanked the diaspora for the last 25 years…he thanked the APEN and the newly formed Albanian American Success stories……do you think he forgot the real diaspora? …… No one seems to be talking about it……I personally take offense in that…. just listing the facts…you are either uninformed of what we , who were raised and struggled under the dictature of communism went through , or you like many leftist on that night told me to let it go….. and it hurts and brings back so much pain…Edi Rama is the offspring of the Communist party and those who don’t acknowledge that, including your friends at the White house, like Hillary who have made a lot of money through your donations…..

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Paul Palushi


Oderet Behri Komunistat Po mblidhen shumohen dhe ne forma kameleonesh e menyra moderne qe bota nuk I kupton . Vec Shqiptaret qe nuk flejne me su hap e dallojne se Partia komuniste Shqiptare me edver ramovicin e tevabi Po vazhdon me nderue Tarrasin ne per vjetorin e vdekjes tuj e perhap ma shume bashkepunimin dhe idete e tij qe shpirti rriqna I paste!

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Elinda Marku Richard Lukaj, I don’t believe that you can be uninformed about our Prime Minister and his regime! Pls, you are totally wrong if you think that all Albanian in the land of Albania, or all Albanian all over the world are as blind as Ekrem Bardha might told you! Mister Bardha has no power to represent Albanians! Mister Bardha represent only socialist party from the beginning with Fatos Nano and now with Edvin Rama! This might became the worst thing ever for Albanian citizens back home!!!

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Elinda Marku How much money mister Bardha and his party ( nano-Rama) promised you to do such a thing behind other Albanians, who they are not member of socialist party, behind those Albanians that are suffering under Rama’s regime, behind those Albanians who suffered 50 years from a similar regime -communist-socialist regime, of Rama’s dad ? ??? Rama is fighting to restore the most dictator, Enver Hoxha starting inside his party and inside our country!!! No way!!!

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